Coffee lovers, meet Arist, the smartphone-controlled coffee machine

Arist is the first coffee maker that provides complete control over every single step in the brewing process, adjusting the grind size or fine-tuning the pressure, by connecting it to your smartphone. At just the simple tap of a button on your smartphone, Arist can prepare a perfect cup, selecting from over 100,000 recipes.


With Arist you have the freedom of bean selection, you can adjust the grind size, the coffee ground weight, the tamping force to make sure the grounds are packed in the optimal density, avoiding over extraction of bitterness due to uneven water flow, the water temperature and pressure, milk temperature and foam to match a perfect creamy texture to each recipe for any given bean.


Like any good barista, it recalls your preferences and your particular drinking habits and can make tailored recommendations. Arist understands your desires. In fact, it can predict what coffee you want, and when!

Arist’s NFC technology can recognize your cup and brew your special drink.


You can have your own Arist on Kickstarter.

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